
Fresh & Easy Spaghetti Sauce

Tomatoes are in season here in AL. I love when tomatoes are in season. We have been getting them for a while now. Finally, I have managed to resist eating them to save up and make crockpot spaghetti sauce. I love homemade spaghetti sauce. I think you can definitely taste the difference. I'm not sure how I came about this recipe. I think was over reading lots of other recipes and trial and error (there was quite a bit of error in the beginning). This is simple and easy but definitely tasty.

What you need:

7 large tomatoes
3 heaping TBSP of honey
1 can of tomato paste
Oregano to taste (Not sure exactly how much I had it from my garden but my guesstimate is about 2 TBSP)
Basil to taste
1 onion
4 TBSP of minced garlic
1/2 c of water
3 TBSP of salt

Put tomatoes first and then all other ingredients in the crockpot. Try to put the others over the tomatoes. With tomatoes don't worry about cutting or dicing. just wash and cut off tops. Let cook for 6-8 hours on low (this is very forgiving if it overcooks it's no big deal). When you get home very carefully scoop into blender or food processor and blend. I used my immersion blender. It worked very well. Except for the part that I had it on the highest setting and sauce went EVERYWHERE, oops. Enjoy. Also, this easily can be frozen and eaten for later and it still taste good. Lots of people will freeze it in ziploc bags and throw them away when they are done. I freeze it in plastic containers so I can still reuse it again when I'm done. Just defrost the night before you are ready to use it.

****Update it's crockpot week at Ultimate recipe swap. So, I am adding this recipe. If you love your crockpot like I do. Check out others HERE

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Great post and I like the crock pot bag idea-less clean-up for sure. Thanks for sharing. Please join me for Tasty Traditions, a Thursday recipe meme. Have a great day!