
Finished 5!

I have now officially finished my 5th half marathon. YAY! Saturday I did the Country Music 1/2 Marathon for the 3rd year (not in a row). It went ok. Since Mr. C has been gone for the last 2 weeks I have definitely been in a funk. I have not done much of any working out. I have not kept up with my long runs since I finished Disney. My saving grace for all of it was that I did do Disney 6 weeks ago and Vegas 4 months before that.

I was sad about my time. Vegas is still the best time yet. I came in at 3:24. Vegas was 3:20. I know if I had properly trained I would have beat my personal record. Also it RAINED. I know I need to account some of my poor progress to the rain and I am but man did I hit the wall! About 9-10 I just started hurting. I know I slowed down tremendously. I thought Little J and her boss would catch up with me.

*Side note little J was also participating in the half marathon. She and her boss were walking. At mile 2 I decided to run ahead thinking she would catch up during my walk breaks, but she didn't. Now she's pissed at me. I know it was not nice but truly thought she would catch up. I have told her that for Chicago (8/1) I NEED to beat my personal record. We are putting our heart into training and weight loss.

Anyway, after hitting the wall and about every part of my body hurting it started raining. Actually, the rain was nice at first but I was scared and didn't run anymore. Although, I'm not sure with how I was feeling if I could have run any more anyways.

So, with all of that I managed to miss my time by 4 min. I am honestly, no sarcasm intended, devastated. I have now gotten it into my mind that I want to complete the Rocket City Marathon. It's the marathon in Huntsville but it's just that. It's only a marathon. I have looked it up and it has to be done in 6 hours. That means I have to complete Chicago in 3 hours or less. I think this can be done if I just add more running than just walking. So, to do this I have signed up for the Cotton Row Race. It's a 10K on Memorial day. I am going to run as much of it as I can.

This is my workout plan:
1. Cotton Row Race 10K- Memorial Day
2. Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon- August 1
3. Rocket City Marathon- December 11

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