
The run that almost wasn't

Back in April I blogged about my plan to challenge myself for Chicago. Well, I paid for the Cotton Row 10K and I was pumped. I had a plan and a structure to get me to my goal of the 3 hour half marathon.

Then my mom mentioned that my grandpa would give his riding lawn mower if we would just pick it up. Well, right now we have about an acre and Mr. C is push mowing. He was fine with it but it takes about 3 1/2 hours to do so if something happened the lawn doesn't get done. So, that offer and the fact that my other grandma had offered a tiller for a garden were just too much to pass up (not to mention that we only spent a day in Texas over Christmas and barely got to visit). Anyway we realized that Memorial Day weekend was the perfect time to go get it. Therefore my dreams of the Cotton Row Run went out the window.

Well, my parents decided to go with us to Texas and decided to drive, the wonderful people they are. So, as planned we went to Dallas and saw the family there. Then we went to Henderson. My dad decided he wanted to leave Sunday night instead of Monday morning because of traffic on the road. Well, he was driving so we left early. We left Texas at 4pm and got into Nashville about 1:30am. Well, with the decision to come back early I got to thinking that the Cotton Row Run was a reality. Woo hoo! I mentioned this to Mr. C and him being the wonderful, amazing, supportive husband that he is agreed that upon arriving in Nashville in the middle of the night we would pick the mutt children up at his parents (another set of amazing people who willing dogsit our children during most of our traveling adventures) and he would drive another 1 1/2 hours so I could make my race. Well, we did just that. We got into Huntsville about 3:30am. We were both tired but Mr. C was exhausted due to the fact that I slept off and on since 9pm that night in the car and he was awake.

Well, 6am rolls around and I trot down to Huntsville and run my 10K. I finished the Cotton Row Run in record time! Not a huge difference but improvement is all that matters. You know what? Even though I was tired it was really due to my family. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have even made it to the start line. I think even though I'm the one running it's a family effort most of the time. I am so lucky to have supportive family.

Speaking of family, next up Chicago Rock'n Roll Half Marathon where I'll be running for Danae.

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