
Resolution in progress

So, I just wrote to you about sticking and keeping my resolution. And, one of mine is making a meal plan to use up random foods chilling around our cabinets too long so we don't waste money. I've done a meal plan in the past and I find that I actually do pretty well when I have it set out for me. So here is my resolution in action.

Saturday: Chicken thighs, veggie fried rice, dumplings, broccoli
 lunch- Homemade pizza (dough and sauce from the freezer)
 life group (aka dinner)- hummus with bagel chips, maybe a dessert to go with it if i have time
Monday: turkey/boca burgers with sweet potato fries
Tuesday: Crockpot day! Baked potato soup

Breakfasts: Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal

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