
Great Fandango Deal

I haven't been so great about posting deals. Really, I gave up I think it was a waste of time. I was the only person using them. Anyway, this deal is too good not to post. Today Groupon has Fandango ticket for $4 a person. Now that is a super cheap movie! So, if your interested use this link only (i'm not sure why but I purchased this morning and it's legit.) Also, the city says orange county but it can be used across the whole US. It looks like you have until Sunday to buy the ticket. The only bummer is that you can only buy 1 ticket.

=) Bridget

Pick Me Up Wednesday

I know, I know, more animal pics? But look it's funny because it looks like this guy is eating my hair! Don't worry. He did not and I'm fine. =)
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Pick me up wednesday

Looked rupert is a foodie too! Really there is nothing cuter than puppy pictures and this guy was one cute puppy. Oh, they grow up so fast. Happy pick me up Wednesday!
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What's cookin' this week?

Well, Let me first tell you that Thursday I forgot to take a picture of my box! I don't really know what I was doing but I just forgot, more pathetically I think Mr. C reminded me and I didn't follow through. I swear I would lose my head if it wasn't attached.

So, in the box this week (I think, I'll have to guess we still have lots of veggies left over from last week): okra, green tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, eggplant, squash, purple hull peas

Also, I'm changing the way I plan cooking. Instead of giving a meal to each day I am going to list what I'm cooking for the week. This may help me follow through better with my cooking plans. Honestly my meal plans are very hit and miss.

This is what I'm contemplating this week:

Minestrone soup




Mac n cheese muffins

Skillet green beans and potatoes

I also found this dessert I might try. AND I am making a cake for my nephew and brother in law's birthdays. My adorable nephew is now 2!

Happy Cooking =)


Pick me up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! I hope it's as good for you as it is for Lulubelle.


What I'm Reading.

Here's what I'm digging around the blogsphere this week.

Stuffed Corn Tortillas- need I say more?

Homemade oatmeal cream pies I love these things. I remember being young and visiting my grandparents in West Texas and eating these. I think I'm the only person in my family who loves these like I do.

Many uses for salt. Did you know you could use salt to get stains out?

How to dry plastic bags. I've always thought it would be smart to reuse plastic bags but never thought about how to do it.


What's cookin' this week?

In the box this week: squash, okra, onion, blueberries, tomatoes, peppers, acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, green beans, potatoes, and eggplant.
Sunday: Mr. C is out of town.
Monday: Stuft Shells made with Fresh & Easy Spaghetti Sauce and green beans.
Tuesday: White bean and Cherry Tomato Salad
Wednesday: Mr. C is making homemade tofu chili.
Thursday: scrounge
Friday: Burgers and fries.
Saturday: We are going to Nashville to see a couple of my favorite people

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BBBBQ pizza

I love pizza. It really is one of my favorite foods. It always has been, always will be.

Mr. C doesn't like pizza. It all started in elementary school. Remember when everyone's favorite food was pizza? Well, Mr. C says it bugs him that elementary school child's favorite food is pizza by default. Like if you wanted to be cool you had to like pizza. Well, it has never been Mr. C's favorite food. Mr. C's favorite food is artichoke. He has never told me this but I suspect that maybe he was ostracized for his unlove of pizza. It's so sad. He also doesn't much care for barbeque but that's another story. So, don't ask him what he thought of this.

I loved this.  I loved this so much I just had to share it. Also, I have been promising to give this pizza crust recipe to Laura, Mr. C's sister for a while now. This is the perfect excuse to blog about it.  

This was SO yummy. I think the perfect combo is feta and barbeque sauce. I got that idea from Fairhope Foodie. I would have never thought to combine the two but I'm glad she did.

What you need:

-Pizza Crust homemade or store bought. I make my own using this recipe. The only thing I change is I add extra honey and do half wheat/half white flour.
-Your favorite barbeque sauce. I used kraft. It's not really my favorite. KC is but Kraft is what we had in the fridge.
-Feta Cheese
-Mozzarella Cheese
-Red Pepper
-Boca crumbles
-Coconut oil

*FYI- I have no idea how much you need of each of these. I just added whatever amount looked about right.

1. Preheat oven to 475 degrees.

2. Chop onion and pepper.

3. Stir fry with coconut oil until tender but not super cooked.

4. Roll out dough.

5. Pour barbeque sauce on dough.

6. Spread mozzarella and feta cheese.

7. Add onion, mushrooms, and peppers.

8. Very carefully put bacon on half and boca on half. Don't let the bacon encroach anywhere near the boca side.

9. Cook at 475 for