
What's cookin' this week?

We have tomatoes galore! Look at all of those. I even have quite a few left over from last week. I think this calls for homemade spaghetti sauce. YUM. And potatoes. We haven't had potatoes in a long time around here. I was initially disappointed by our box this week (it wasn't all the way full) but now as I gaze upon all my favorite veggies. I know exactly how to cook all of these.

Sunday: Happy Birthday USA! I'm not cooking any major cooking. We'll be in Nashvegas. I will be making 2 dishes for the places we are going. I don't yet know what I may be taking. I'm waiting on inspiration to come upon me. Any Ideas?

Monday: Stuffed peppers (using peppers, onions, and corn). I never made them last week. I've been a cooking bum but we did finally purchase a new fridge. =) (Actually, "purchase" is a very loose term as my wonderful inlaws gave us the money for it because they are wonderful and supportive like that. Thanks guys!) No more water leaking all over the kitchen floor. YAY.

Tuesday: scrounge

Thursday: scrounge

Friday: Green tomato pie. (I have no recipe I'm just going to make it up. I'll post if it's a winner.)

Saturday: Grilled pizza. I've seen many forms of grilled pizza wandering around the blogsphere. Well, I'm jumping off the cliff too. I'm going to try it but I admit I have my doubts. I'll report back.
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